Myth #1(Mother Nature killed the sport of ski jumping) Debunked

Myth #2(NCAA killed the sport of ski jumping) Debunked Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Myth #3(The US doesn't have the talent) Debunked Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Mind Of A Ski Jumper Part 1, 2, 3, 4

The Ultimate Coach - Ski Jump Training Device

Jumping Season Digest: (see bottom of this page)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Jumping Journal: December 19, 2005

It must be winter.  The old winter routine is starting to come back into shape, eating supper at 9PM.  LOL!!!
How many days in a row of jumping can I pull off this winter.  So far my best if around 13-14 in a row.  Hopefully I'll be able to get over that lousy hump of 50-51 days of jumping on snow this winter, as well.  I've been stuck in that range each of the last three years now.  I know how warm March will be by looking at the number of days I've jumped so far come the end of February.  30-35 days, means a cold March.  40-40+ days, means a real warm March.  The winter always seems to end with me having 50 or 51 days.  I hope I can get over this all too predictable hump.
First jump went better than I what I expected.  No crash, WOW!  Things seemed much more relaxed tonight as a whole than yesterday afternoon.
The third jump was the only crash of the evening.  Pretty much as usual, I got behind on the takeoff and it sent me to the ground at the transition.
I did notice that on occasion I was getting more of the technique back in place.  I'm still not driving through the heel like I want to but it is there slightly.  The tips are coming up, more than they ever did last winter, without me having to work in the air to get them to come up.  I have felt fine on every jump on the 50 so far.  No nervousness or anything like that, the mind is just playing its lovely little old games with me.
The count now stands at 30 jumps on the 25(unofficial season) and 11 jumps on the 50.


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