Myth #3 Debunked: Part 10
I hope you have managed to download the ebook and that you have taken the time to read through it. If you haven't then go back to Part 9 and follow the instructions so you can learn the technique. All the articles you read today will make no sense unless you have read through the ebook first.
Here, as I made mention of a couple of days ago, are some articles that you can read through that talk about different ways that EFT has been used by professionals and amateurs alike.
EFT use is sports:
EFT use is health and school(directed towards kids):
To show how multiple issues can be solved by tapping on just one issue and how one issue can be caused by multiple problems:
There are many more articles on the website. I have chosen some that I thought were appropriate given the circumstances of ski jumping being mostly about kids and the sporting environment of ski jumping.
You can find many more articles by clicking on the EFT at Work button on the left hand side of the main screen and also by going to Reading through the Tutorial section on the left hand side of the screen is also very useful.
Tomorrow I will give some more information on working through Psychological Reversals, the thing that MAY have causes you arm to go in the wrong direction back on Day 8.
Until next time
Keep the ski tips up,
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