Myth #3 Debunked: Part 8
One important note: From here on make sure before you do anything else with the series that you are well hydrated. Dehydration can have a negative effect when it comes to using this technique. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water each and every day.
Is the problem you noticed yesterday really causing you trouble now with your ski jumping. Again the mind can play all sorts of tricks on you. It's your job to unravel the mysteries of the mind and solve your issues that you are dealing with so you can move on with life and get down to the business of ski jumping at your best level.
Today, your going to test and find out if this situation really is causing you any problems or not. If it is then you will be fully prepared to move on tomorrow, once tomorrow gets here. Otherwise you will need to go back and redo yesterdays exercise again and then try today's exercise to double check the results.
Step 4: Muscle Testing
This is the quickest and easiest way to tell if your problem is really affecting you the way you think it is. The problem may not be bothering you at all. It's time to find out.
There are several ways of doing muscle testing, first I will show the method most often used when you have someone to help out then I will show a different method you can use when you are by yourself.
If another person is available:
Start by standing facing each other(the helper may also stand behind you). Put your dominant arm straight out from your side at shoulder level. Now have him try to pull your arm down with his non-dominant hand as you try to resist him. He should have his hand on your wrist while pulling down. Your doing this to get an idea of how hard he has to push to get your arm to move. This is just a resistance test, so make sure you aren't forcing your arm up in order to keep your partner from pulling it down. Each person will be different in the amount of force that they will have to use to get your arm to move down.
Next, have your partner ask you a couple of "yes" or "no" questions, such as "Is your name(your name)?" Answer the question correctly and see what happens with the arm. It should, normally, stay rigid and upright when you correctly answer a "Yes" question, while the partner is trying to push down on your arm. For the questions that you should have answered "yes" to your arm should have remained up while your arm should have dropped when he tried asking you questions that should have had "no" answers. If your arm does just the opposite than I will detail that problem on Day 11.
Now have your partner ask you the questions that will reveal if the situations are causing you problems or not. For example:
Is my father's put downs when I was younger causing me problems ski jumping today?
Make sure to have the questions asked so that you have to provide a "yes" or "no" answer. Check out the response. Write down what the response was so you will know come tomorrow whether or not to spend anymore time on this issue. Do this for each question and find out what you need to carry forward to tomorrow's lesson.
When by yourself:
Connect the thumb and pinky finger on your non-dominant hand, to form a "circle". This is the hand that will be acting like your arm in the two person method. Put your thumb and first finger of your dominant hand together, to form a "circle". Insert the dominant hand fingers, vertically, into the circle of your non-dominant hand.
Test for the amount of force you would have to apply with the fingers on your dominant hand to break apart the fingers of the non-dominant hand. Use equal pressure with each set of fingers, and try to maintain contact between the fingers of your non-dominant hand. The test should be quick and firm. If the circuit stays connected, that's a YES, but if they weaken and/or come apart, that's a NO. Your NO may be very obvious, or it could just be a subtle weakening.
Go on to ask yourself the questions and test the response that comes back.
You can do some research on the web and find other methods of muscle testing as I have just provided just one method that can be used by yourself and another method that can be used with another person. There are several more ways of muscle testing out there. It just takes a little research to find them.
Tomorrow it will be time to download the free ebook and start doing some reading. Be prepared this idea is definitely radical. You'll probably want to throw the idea out the window. DON'T!!! I have used this idea for several different things and have had amazing results at changing the way my mind makes me behave. I have broken bad habits that I have had all my life, too easing pain. I have even had some success with it being used for ski jumping.
Until next time
Keep the ski tips up,
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