Jumping Journal: December 23, 2006
112 consecutive months...short...slow...plastic...WHAT?????
Something must be wrong here. Plastic in December. Not a chance...at least not until this year. The month is running out and to keep the consecutive monthly streak alive on the 25 I knew we pretty much was going to have to jump it on plastic. The forecast hadn't been sounding like there is going to be much of a chance to make snow any time soon, granted it is starting to sound like a change may be in the forecast, but I'll believe it when I see it.
One option would be to run garden hoses up the landing hill and inrun, I figure that the pipes that provide the water during the summer months are probably frozen over by now. Option number would be to wait for rain to come. Today the rain came. I chose option number two.
Like I said yesterday it was sleeting/freezing rain yesterday as we started jumping. It pretty much never stopped the rest of the evening and into the overnight and morning hours. The rain had stopped by the time I got to the hill but the fog and clouds were helping to make sure that the jump wasn't going to dry off anytime soon.
After tightening up the cords on my winter skis I pulled out the summer skis and headed on over to the 25 to take what would end up being three very short jumps. I haven't had that short of jumps on the 25 in ages. The speed even seemed slow, then again after six days of jumping on the 50 in the past week and a half, why should the 25 seem fast when jumping it on plastic, LOL! I wasn't trying for anything special, just get the streak safe and secured until next month. Hopefully, next month it will jumped with snow on the ground.
Seeing as how there was no snow anywhere on the jump I do deem it to still be summer jumping and winter jumping, so the jumps don't count toward winter '07 tallies. Instead I have updated, VERY UNEXPECTEDLY, the spring/summer '06 tallies.
I think last year was the first time that the 25 had ever been jumped on snow in November, and I think to show the pure contrast between last year and this year, I believe this is the first the 25 has ever been jumped on plastic in December. What a difference a year makes.
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