Jumping Journal: February 29, 2008
Leaping lizards...it may not be summer yet but wait on that takeoff.
Well, more records were to fall before the month could get over. No not due to snowfall but rather thanks to cold weather. The normal high around these parts for the end of December is 33-34 degrees. The average low is 15 degrees. The average low would be taken out by a WIDE margin.
While jumping Thursday night I noticed that it was quite cold against my face. I haven't noticed the temperature on my face like I noticed it last night. Granted the temerature at the time was around 10 degrees, not cold compared to other days I've jumped this winter. Strange, very strange.
By the time I went to bed last night the temperature had already dropped to -8 Fahrenheit. It was going to be one cold night for sure. I woke up this morning to crystal clear skies and a rather brisk -21 Fahrenheit. It is the second coldest night I've seen in my life.
Today the temperature rebounded quite nicely. The high for the day was 23. Not bad a 44 degree temperature change, must be quite dry air to allow such a big swing in tempatures. The skies remained clear until around 3PM when the clouds started to move in bringing the next snow storm that is supposed to drop another 8-12 inches of snow tonight through tomorrow.
Dan and I talked yesterday about getting together this afternoon/early evening and jumping. I was hoping to get the chance to jump on this rather rare opportunity. Hey, Leap Day, February 29th only happens once every four years so you have to take advantage of it, LOL!!! I did manage to jump on February 29, 2004 the only other time I've had the opportunity.
One of the crazy things I have always enjoyed doing when I get into something is trying to do it on New Years Day, Leap Day and birthday. This year I make get lucky and get the chance to ski jump on all three days in one year. I still haven't jumped anything more than a bump jump on my birthday. Some day I'll get the opportunity.
I arrived at the hill at 5PM and walked up to the jump inn behind Dan. Bill thought he might show up but it never occured. It ended up being Dan and I flagging each other for a nice relaxing round of sunset ski jumping. We suited up and headed on up the jump with Dan taking the first jump of the evening.
I headed on up and decided to spend the night just trying to get myself to jump on time consistently. The first jump of the evening was smooth. The inrun position send pretty decent. The timing was slightly late and I ended up jumping around 30 meters. Not bad given the slower conditions on the inrun and the extra snow on the landing hill.
The second jump was much better on the timing and it did make it down the hill a bit further. The inrun position seemed like it was better and more comfortable. The third jump of the evening was the pretty much the same.
The fourth and fifth jumps of the evening ended up being the most relaxed and best feeling inrun positions I've had thus far. They felt so smooth going down the inrun. I was still jumping slightly late but was glad to see the inrun position was coming around and getting more consistent. I was jumping down 32 meters or so on each jump.
Jump six wasn't quite as stable on the inrun and I was much closer to jumping on time. I landed down about 35-36 meters. I was a bit shocked at how far down the hill I landed.
On the seventh and final jump of the evening, everything changed. The strange thing I've noticed is that when I think I've jumped early, I've actually jumped on time. This time was going to be another story.
I came down the inrun and started to make my move at the takeoff. I knew I had started the move WAY early. I tried to pause but it wasn't working. I jumped, VERY EARLY. The ski tipped down and I was waiting for one of the tips to catch on the snow. I haven't ever jumped that early before. I manage to clear the knoll and get the tips back up to a safe level and land the jump without incident. It was definitely one of the scariest jumps I've taken over the years.
Afterwards Dan and I talked. He thought we had taken eight or nine jumps and not just seven. He said he was going to stick with eight jumps and I said I was going to stick with calling it seven jumps.
I guess I'll have to wait until Sunday before doing anymore jumping. The snow should be starting anytime and it sounds like we are going to end up having it pile up even higher. Winter isn't going to end anytime soon. Their is way too much snow to get rid of this year.
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