Jumping Journal: January 23, 2009
As with anything...plans don't always go quite as expected.
Instead out jumping at Newport last night like I had planned I instead found myself flagging/coaching for Ron, the Sunapee High School coach as he was doing hill work getting the hill looking good for tonight's high school meet. Anotherwords...I didn't see one single jump last night. I had the jump suit on and the skis were restig by a tree just a few yards from me but that's all the further they ever made it.
I figured today would stand a much better chance at getting a few jumps in and I was right, to a certain extent. I arrived at the hill around 1:30PM to help Ron finish up getting ready for thekids to arrive around 4:30 for practice before the 6PM start of the jump meet. Between finishing up painting the lines on the landing hill, recutting the bottom half of the track on the K30 side of the tressel, doing some inrun decorating, it pretty much ate up the time we had available. Admittedly, locking the keys in the jump inn, err locking us out didn't help any to save any extra time. LOL!!! It can happen to anyone.
As the kids started to arrive from the schools that were going to be competing in the meet I suited up to take some jumps with them during practice. I normally jump until the tressel starts to get crowded and then I let the kids have the hill for the remainder of the practice. I normally end up getting 3-4 jumps in as a result of doing it this way.
I walked up and decided to jump the K25 side first, just for kicks. The jump I took left more than a lot to be desired. I think have the decorations on the tressel kinda threw me. It's been quite a while since I have jumped with a hill looking that nice. The landing hill was SPECTACULAR!
I decided to go on up to the K30 and do the rest of my jumping from up there. Since we had recut the track on the K30 it did look a lot nicer than the K25 side. I took the first jump and it was pretty much a repeat of the previous jump I had just taken. I was surprised that I could take two jumps in a row that would stink as bad as they did.
I walked up for the second jump on the K30 and it was a bit better but not by much. I still wasn't very pleased with it. The jumps on Wednesday on either the 25 or 30 were much better. I had jumped late and that did help to shorten the jump distance.
The third and final jump of the afternoon was a bit better than the one before it. I still wasn't making it very far down the hill like I should have been. At least my timing on the final jump was getting better. It still seemed like I was messing everything else up with the jump though. I just couldn't get myself feeling anywhere near as comfortable as I was Wednesday night. I'm not sure if it was all the extra kids that were around or what it was.
Tomorrow should be a full day of jumping on the K50 in Lebanon. I haven't said that in quite a long while. With the jump meet tomorrow being in Lebanon I hope to get 15-20 jumps of the K50. If the rest of the season has been any kind of indication as to what tomorrow will bring...it should be interesting what reality will hold for me.
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