Myth #1(Mother Nature killed the sport of ski jumping) Debunked

Myth #2(NCAA killed the sport of ski jumping) Debunked Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Myth #3(The US doesn't have the talent) Debunked Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Mind Of A Ski Jumper Part 1, 2, 3, 4

The Ultimate Coach - Ski Jump Training Device

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Jumping Journal: December 26, 2006

Sticky.  Tonight definitely had a little bit of stickiness to it.  The hill survived the rain over Saturday and today as well.  I got to the hill about 4:30PM and helped Cannonball do some repair work on the top of the inrun.  The plan had been to shovel snow up into the house.  Once we got up top we noticed that the side of the inrun was bare and the bare spot was getting real close to the track.  Instead of putting snow in the house we decided to put the snow along the track and rebuild it.  There isn't much snow left in the overflow areas on the inrun.  We have been using it consistently over the past two weeks thanks to the warm temperatures.  Yes, once again tonight I jumped with the temps above freezing.  I haven't jumped a day this winter so far when the temperatures have been below freezing.  Very weird.
I got suited up and headed on up the jump.  I noticed one of the other jumpers, the first one to go ended up crashing after landing down around 41 meters.  I guess from what he said the inrun had water on it and I tend to think the landing hill may have been somewhat sticky.
I had a smooth first jump.  The inrun was slower than what I had been use to.  I did notice that the outrun was sticky as well.  I ended up falling down as I went to stop out on the outrun.  I think as I went to go into the snowplow I hit the sticky spot and that sent me to the ground.  It was rather strange, to say the least.
The second jump through about the sixth jump all seemed like I was having problems getting the timing down.  I was always jumping late, what else is new.  The rest of the jump wasn't looking bad but the timing left a lot to be desired.
By jump seventh I was getting the timing back down and on jump eight I was finally starting to get some power at the takeoff.  I was noticing the extra power by how much height I was getting on the takeoff.  I really noticed it on the ninth and final jump of the evening.
The last several jumps are were down in the 33-35 meter range.  Considering everyone else was only hitting around 40 meters tonight with the slow conditions.  I tend to think that I wasn't doing to bad, especially considering starting from the first bar down.


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