Myth #3 Debunked: Part 12
In the past 11 days I've covered a lot of ground. There has been a few things that I have left out in the past day or two. Today I will lay out the entire program that you should be using to send your ski jumping performance to the max.
Steps to follow:
1. What is causing you problems?
2. When did this problem start?
3. What was happening in your life when this problem came into being?
4. Muscle test to find out if this is causing you the problems you are experiencing.
Remember there can be more than one thing that is causing your problem. If at first you don't overcome the problem go back to step 2 and run back through the process again.
5. Perform EFT(first on your mental barriers, this is most important to do this first)
A. Check your SUDS(emotional) Level
B. Tap, including the Basic Recipe
C. Check your SUDS Level again
D. Repeat if necessary, until you have reduced your SUDS Level down to 0 or 1, it may take several rounds of tapping to get the level down
Also, you may find that other issues come up while you are tapping. If they do, write them down and tap through them once you get done with the current round that you are tapping on. When you go to tap on the new issues, start over at Step A. If you are suffering from lack of conscious emotion, there are articles on the EFT website that talks about how to deal with this scenario. One technique involves continuing tapping on the issue until the patient asks to change the subject/you can't stand to tap on it anymore.
6. Perform EFT to reprogram your mind so you can jump better.
7. Head to the hill and see what still needs work
8. Write me and let me know how it has worked for you
Remember, even with kids that you may find multiple issues that have to be dealt with before they can move on and be able to get out of any rut/learn new techniques. You may find one jumper can spend five minutes and see massive improvement with his jumping, while another jumper may not show much improvement after one hour. It all depends on what is going on through the jumpers mind. The jumper may not be willing to deal with certain things. This will make it harder for him to see results. The jumper needs to come clean if he wants to change his progress. It's all up to the jumper as to how fast his performance will improve.
Tomorrow, a warning to coaches. This is the most important thing that any coach can ever learn.
Until next time
Keep the ski tips up,