Jumping Journal: March 12, 2007
Day 44. A warm daylight session on the 50. At least the ankles were responding better.
Well spring must be just around the corner. Granted the 25 was the only left jumpable on snow this time last year so to have so much snow on the 50 right now is just icing on the cake.
Several of us gathered together for a post Mud Meet session on the 50 late this afternoon. It did seem kinda strange to jump the 50 on a weekday with so much daylight, I guess the early time change does help to make a difference in the lack of need for artifical lighting. Turns out three adults and one junior was out jumping. Another of the adult jumpers decided to go do some telemark skiing instead of jumping with us. I guess he knows he can jump anytime of the year but he can't telemark ski anytime of the year around this part of the world.
I suited up and made my way up the inrun. I noticed up top that the mind was once again making me question myself. I knew that I should have no trouble just jumping through it. I knew that by jumping I would prove to the mind that I could do this and have did this countless times before.
The weather was about the same as yesterday, temps in the mid 40s and overcast skies. The inrun seemed to be in pretty decent shape, better than the 25 yesterday. At least I didn't notice the inrun settling down underneath me as I went over the top of it. Granted Cannonball had tracolated the inrun earlier and I did a small amount of sonw shoveling at the takeoff to help make conditions appear a little safer. As Cannonball would say "the illusion of safety." Granted I don't know how you could make it look any safer or be any safer.
The first jump pretty decent. I was a bit surprised to see I actually did have my ankles cocked and that I also kept the head up after I landed. That was rather unusual.
The second jump also went pretty decent until I got into the transition on the landing hill and was standing up too much too straight and ended up going over backwards. In one respect it reminded me of what I did on Saturday on my first jump back from the digger. I guess there is a fine line between having the head up and having the head up too much. DRATS!
The third and fourth jumps I ended up going back to my old style of dropping the head and holding on for survival.
The remaining four jumps all went pretty decent as well. I had a couple of nice jumps given the conditions but I did end the day with the best jump so far since the digger. I have been a little surprised at both how well I have come back and yet at the time same time how much it feels like I have a tremendously long ways to go to get back to where I was at three weeks ago. I did notice today that my inrun position seems awkward. It definitely doesn't feel right. Even when I get into a full tuck position it still feels like I must be riding on the edge of a ski or something. It doesn't have the same feeling that it used to have. Hopefully before winter is over I will have that feeling back once again.
I guess I will end up the season with at least 400 jumps in all. With the eight jumps today it put me at 404 jumps for the season. I'm only 37 jumps behind my total from last year as of right now. I'm hoping to nail jump 300 on the 50 before the weekend gets here, time/Mother Nature shall tell, I'm currently at 282 after today's jumping.
This sure has been one strange winter. I heard some reports coming out of the world cup circuit of the kids over in Norway warming up playing soccer in shorts and t-shirts on a bare field. Crazy or what? Back here in the states we have had one of the meanest yet nicest winters I have seen so far in the seven years I have lived up here. Granted 2001 was the best as we never saw temperature get above freezing(32F) or below 0F all winter long and had an abundant amount of snow that never completely melted until early May. This years melt may take up the challenge, time shall tell.
Well spring must be just around the corner. Granted the 25 was the only left jumpable on snow this time last year so to have so much snow on the 50 right now is just icing on the cake.
Several of us gathered together for a post Mud Meet session on the 50 late this afternoon. It did seem kinda strange to jump the 50 on a weekday with so much daylight, I guess the early time change does help to make a difference in the lack of need for artifical lighting. Turns out three adults and one junior was out jumping. Another of the adult jumpers decided to go do some telemark skiing instead of jumping with us. I guess he knows he can jump anytime of the year but he can't telemark ski anytime of the year around this part of the world.
I suited up and made my way up the inrun. I noticed up top that the mind was once again making me question myself. I knew that I should have no trouble just jumping through it. I knew that by jumping I would prove to the mind that I could do this and have did this countless times before.
The weather was about the same as yesterday, temps in the mid 40s and overcast skies. The inrun seemed to be in pretty decent shape, better than the 25 yesterday. At least I didn't notice the inrun settling down underneath me as I went over the top of it. Granted Cannonball had tracolated the inrun earlier and I did a small amount of sonw shoveling at the takeoff to help make conditions appear a little safer. As Cannonball would say "the illusion of safety." Granted I don't know how you could make it look any safer or be any safer.
The first jump pretty decent. I was a bit surprised to see I actually did have my ankles cocked and that I also kept the head up after I landed. That was rather unusual.
The second jump also went pretty decent until I got into the transition on the landing hill and was standing up too much too straight and ended up going over backwards. In one respect it reminded me of what I did on Saturday on my first jump back from the digger. I guess there is a fine line between having the head up and having the head up too much. DRATS!
The third and fourth jumps I ended up going back to my old style of dropping the head and holding on for survival.
The remaining four jumps all went pretty decent as well. I had a couple of nice jumps given the conditions but I did end the day with the best jump so far since the digger. I have been a little surprised at both how well I have come back and yet at the time same time how much it feels like I have a tremendously long ways to go to get back to where I was at three weeks ago. I did notice today that my inrun position seems awkward. It definitely doesn't feel right. Even when I get into a full tuck position it still feels like I must be riding on the edge of a ski or something. It doesn't have the same feeling that it used to have. Hopefully before winter is over I will have that feeling back once again.
I guess I will end up the season with at least 400 jumps in all. With the eight jumps today it put me at 404 jumps for the season. I'm only 37 jumps behind my total from last year as of right now. I'm hoping to nail jump 300 on the 50 before the weekend gets here, time/Mother Nature shall tell, I'm currently at 282 after today's jumping.
This sure has been one strange winter. I heard some reports coming out of the world cup circuit of the kids over in Norway warming up playing soccer in shorts and t-shirts on a bare field. Crazy or what? Back here in the states we have had one of the meanest yet nicest winters I have seen so far in the seven years I have lived up here. Granted 2001 was the best as we never saw temperature get above freezing(32F) or below 0F all winter long and had an abundant amount of snow that never completely melted until early May. This years melt may take up the challenge, time shall tell.